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Multifonctional Mandolin

Manufacturer: Ricardo
PTR: 70141
Model Number: 0631070040000
Availability: 1 in stock

Picture of Mandoline multifonctionnelle

Mandoline multifonctionnelle

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This mandolin has three different size blades that allow for rapidly and safely julienning or thinly slicing vegetables like beets, for example.

  • Built-in julienne blade with three different widths (3 mm, 6 mm and 12 mm)
  • Can be used directly over a bowl
  • Easy to use and no assembly required
  • Dishwasher safe

This mandolin has three different size blades that allow for rapidly and safely julienning or thinly slicing vegetables like beets, for example.

  • Built-in julienne blade with three different widths (3 mm, 6 mm and 12 mm)
  • Can be used directly over a bowl
  • Easy to use and no assembly required
  • Dishwasher safe
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